Here’s a bird’s eye view of the Gate Passages® Framework.
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The Gate Passages® Framework is a 3-phased approach.*
Phase 1 :: Stabilization/Safety
Beginning with the bottom-up approach, you’ll learn how to notice your body sensations and what these sensations are trying to tell you.
Learn about your nervous system and your survival response.
Learn about how to down- or up-regulate your nervous system.
Learn and practicing new ways to cope.
Learn about your triggers and what to do.
Begin to learn about your internal family of parts, what they do, and how they are organized.
Phase 2 :: Diving Deeper
Continuing using a bottom up approach, you’ll look deeper into the experiences you’ve had that still hurt.
Help restore your body’s innate ability to heal and reset the survival response.
Gain an appreciation for your internal family of parts by recognizing how they’ve tried to help you and help them unburden the heavy loads they may be carrying.
Move from I’m not OK because this happened to I’m OK even though this happened.
Phase 3 :: Moving Forward
Who are you now?
What’s important now?
What’s left to work on?
How do you want your body to feel now?
Celebrating what you’ve done.
*Based on the work of 2 psychologists: pioneering French psychologist Pierre Janet (1889), and pioneering American psychologist Judith Herman (1992-1997).