Skeptical of gratitude practice.
When I read this in You Can Heal Your Life, I was like, "yeah right."
Louise Hay was writing about her simple morning gratitude practice. She said it had a big impact on her day.
I was skeptical. It seemed too easy.
photo by Chris Montgomery
Then I tried it on a morning walk. Usually my mind revolved around:
the to-do list
the fearful what ifs
the what I don’t haves
This time, I made myself stop.
I made myself focus on what I was grateful for.
Honestly, my mind went blank.
Then I focused on what I was doing, and I was grateful to be able to go on a morning walk.
Then I noticed that my legs were strong enough to walk, so I was grateful for my legs.
Then I said I was grateful it wasn’t raining and that it was sunny.
Then I checked in with my heart and my body.
I was shocked.
I felt good.
My body felt good.
This was years ago. I still make this part of my morning. I've expanded it in lots of ways that continue to feel good.