Share your juicy bits now.
I was sitting down with my friend, Megyn, in her bakery yesterday. The bakery was festooned with red hearts, chocolate truffles, and cookies up the wazoo. Shoppers bustled in and out. The smell of warm cinnamon-y baked goodness filled the air.
We were talking about Valentine's Day being a strange holiday. It's true, when you think about the hordes of people buying stuff for each other, while the unattached watch from the sidelines.
photo by Element5
Here's what I propose instead.
It's actually something I adopted when I was unattached. During that time in my life, I desperately wanted to be attached -- to have someone to love and who loved me back. This went on for years.
Finally, I stopped wanting it.
I saw that wanting to be in a relationship and saving up this part of myself meant that I was wasting the juiciest bits of me.
I suddenly saw how crazy this was.
At that moment, I decided to share all my juiciness with everyone I loved -- no holding back, no waiting for Mr./Ms./insert your pronoun Right or whatever.
It's been amazing since then.
So here's what I propose instead: share all your juicy bits with the people you love.
You can start today by giving something to someone in your life who is not attached.
I left M's bakery with a bag of cookies for Dave, the unattached sweetheart who watches my dog when I travel (he loved them).